Feeling Good (Dried Persimmon Granola)

As a newly graduated high school alumnus, I could say that I’m feeling pretty good.

Not only that, but I’ve got a new job at a bakery and more time to cook at home, so, my fellow readers, you’ll be seeing “New Post” much more often this summer.

Now, what will make you feel really good is looking at–and more importantly, baking–this recipe for dried persimmon granola. What will make you feel even better is knowing that this granola has absolutely no sugar added to the mix, but does have yummy, yummy powdered sugar.

Wait, say wha? No sugar added, but there is powdered sugar?

My friends, I give you the dried persimmon:

It’s covered with the stuff. Dried persimmons undergo a (typically) month-long drying process, through which they shrink in size, intensify in flavor, and develop a fine coating of natural powdered sugar. Under the snowy-white exterior lies that bright orange flesh that you saw three pictures above, and boy, does it taste incredible. The flavor is of a fruit you’ve never tasted before, somewhere between a candied apple and a pear. In a word, it tastes like fall. Now, what is fall without cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves? Well, a very bland fall, I can tell you that much.

Even though fall is over 3 months away, you can have fall in a jar whenever you make this–and trust me, when you see the ingredient list, you’ll be feeling good when you eat this stuff.

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A Quick Breakfast for Any Teen in a Hurry (Homemade Granola and Yogurt Parfait)

I was talking with girlfriend (I’ll just call her “girlfriend” for the sake of anonymity) at school the other day, and she said, “No, I don’t really like breakfast. Well, maybe I would like it, but I don’t ever have enough time to eat it.”

W-w-wait…did I just hear that correctly?

Just to put my reaction into perspective, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Who wouldn’t want to start their day off with a stomach full of sweet fruit, piping hot eggs, or creamy oatmeal? Heck, why not all three? I understand that it’s hard for my girlfriend–along with, unfortunately, many of my peers–and I to find a time to eat somewhere during our zombiesque prowl around the house between waking up and dashing off to school in the morning, but how couldn’t one make time for it? Thankfully, I have a morning routine that leaves me exactly 5 minutes for breakfast. When I’m running on schedule, I mean. Which is hardly ever. By which I mean never.

Now, you may wondering, “How the heck do I make and eat breakfast in 5 minutes?” Technically I eat on my way to school in a Tupperware bowl (hey, I never said I was classy), so I guess I do cheat the time a little bit. However, it’s easy! My official 5-step plan for my friends’ and girlfriend’s breakfast woes that I follow every weekday breakfast is:

1) Yogurt.

2) Granola.

3) Fruit.

4) Honey.

5) Eat.

See? It’s that simple! Full of fiber, protein, vitamins (depending on the fruit), and amazing flavor to keep you going for the next few hours.

This weekend, I actually had some extra time on my hands, so I decided to make something that would benefit me in the long-term. I made a jar full of homemade granola for the week!

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